Flea & Tick Reminder

If you're not already using a flea and tick preventative, it's time to start! We now recommend monthly use all year round. Also be sure to ask us about our simple, safe, and effective "all-in-one" options like NexGard Plus or Simparica Trio for dogs and Revolution Plus for cats.

Unfortunately, we have had warmer winters and the tick problem in the area is increasing. We now regularly see pets affected by tick-borne disease and Lyme disease is gaining a foothold here. This is especially concerning because there is no cure for Lyme disease and it can be fatal. You should also be aware that fleas and ticks can transmit disease to humans. One of the best ways to protect people and pets is to use a monthly flea and tick preventative all year round.

For dogs, we recommend NexGard (oral chewable tablet) or if preferred, we can suggest a topical flea and tick preventative. Another wonderful option is to switch to an "all-in-one" parasite preventative that protects against fleas and ticks as well as internal parasites such as heartworms and some intestinal parasites. Examples include NexGard PlusSimparica Trio, and Revolution.

For cats, we recommend Revolution Plus, which protects against many of the most common internal and external parasites. 

If you have questions regarding which parasite preventative to use for your pet, please ask. With so many products available there are great choices, but not all are equal. We can help you create a simple but effective parasite prevention plan.

To learn more about fleas, ticks, and other external parasites, you may want to read our pet education article. Remember, you and your pet DO NOT have to live with these disgusting, disease-carrying creepy crawlies!



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